Our pop-up volunteers provide comprehensive sexuality education to students in various schools. In this regard we received invitation from ST. Mary’s to take session for the students of grade 8 to 12. However, before conducting session to the students we wanted to have one interactive session with the mothers of students of respective classes. Thus, in coordination with the school management team and ASMAN (Association of ST. Mary’s Alumnae Nepal) mother’s group orientation was held where 325 mothers participated. The session was conducted by Nilima Raut, Youth Project Manager and Shristi Mainali, Youth Project Coordinator along with the pop-up volunteers.
During the session mothers were informed about the importance of comprehensive sexuality education for the young girls. We also discussed about the contents of the package to be delivered to the students. The new topic included during the session was about the cyber crime which has emerged as a burning issue among the youths these days.
Our pop-ups also shared their experience about working in this field. There was an open discussion held at the end of the program where participants eagerly put forward their queries and concerns. They were very positive about talking to their daughters regarding sexual and reproductive health as well as about the session to be conducted by Marie Stopes for the students.
Our youth program "Rockets & Space" is featured in an International Media-In Depth News. Kindly follow the link to read [...]